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Chocolats Passion & Friends Pop-Up!

We moved to Portland a short four months ago, but it already feels like ages that I have been making chocolates at the Fork Food Lab.  Fork has a vibrant community of exceptional food makers, and I wanted us to join forces for my official launch into the Portland food scene.  We are doing a Pop-Up on Monday Feb. 12 from 5PM to 8PM in the Tasting Room of the Lab.  It is the kind of event where you will just want to nosh and forget dinner, because we have some really special treats for you! How about Parlor ice...

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Fun at Fork Food Lab

My darling mother, who helped me create over 900 Hazelnut Citrus chocolates. October 2017, Fork Food Lab. On average, I spend two long days a week at the Fork Food Lab.  Each time I produce one big batch of one type of chocolate.  Having to reserve my kitchen space focuses the mind and has forced me to refine my  production so I create the right chocolate at the right time. So I was pretty proud of myself for ending the holiday season with roughly 40 chocolates TOTAL!   I spent the last three weeks building back our stocks and just...

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Holiday markets!

Holiday markets hold a special place in my heart:  it was at the SOWA Holiday Market three years ago that I got my start, and to this day I love them.  The collective energy of my fellow vendors and the displays of their marvelous wares,  the music and the crowds, all combine into a happy space.  It is even more special when snow makes an appearance, as it did last week-end.  Well, the snow did feel special - that is, until I had to head back to Maine... We come with even more samples than usual, which are dominated by...

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6 short weeks

To think that a short six weeks ago there wasn't a single chocolate made!  Day one of production was October 23.  It was followed by a military schedule so every one of our core flavors could be created in time for our Union Square markets before Thanksgiving, and now for all our Holiday requirements. I am so very thankful to our loyal customers who didn't miss a beat from our move to Portland.  If anything, we have been shipping everywhere in the lower 48 states:  being able to do so has been liberating and wonderful! And I was thrilled to...

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Back to work!

  Only two batches so far, but chocolates are coming!   The Fork Food Lab in Portland is a dream work space full of kindred spirits: everyone is there because they love making food. The work schedule is demanding for coming weeks, we have two Union Square dates before Thanksgiving and two big holiday markets right after.  But it is great to be cooking ganaches, tempering the shells and filling our white storage boxes with freshly made chocolates.  You are welcome to order for a mid-November and beyond delivery.  We won't have our full complement of flavors till the 10th.  Stocks...

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ZERO stock!

We thank our kind sommer customers, who were undaunted by the very limited offerings of our Summer Stock page.  Alas, we are now truly, completely out of goodies.  That is except for a few salted caramel hearts that I am saving (on pain of death)  for my mother, who is visiting in September. We are closing on our West End house in Portland  tomorrow, and will move to Maine mid-September.  The movers will drop off my chocolate equipment at Fork Food Lab, and I will spend the rest of September/early October setting up in this new environment, getting proper licenses...

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