I believe that no party can truly end on a proper high note without a platter of yummy chocolates. And they should be of varying sizes, so gourmands can indulge in the larger formats without guilt and tiny appetites can select a small heart that seems made just for them. This has been a busy season for platters this year, see a few of them on our Instagram feed. They are infinite fun to make, because each is unique to the occasion and the celebrants. The platter above will be picked up early this week for a Hanukkah party. I...
Almost three years ago, I was working on my first product line-up for Chocolats Passion, and wondering how I would market my soon-to-be little online Chocolaterie. I decided to apply for the SoWa Holiday Market, even though I had yet to sell a single chocolate. All I had was a concept and pretty pictures of my product prototypes. Chris Masci, the owner of New England Open Markets and the SoWa Holiday Market, accepted us into the 2014 market! I remember my elation at the news and the feverish planning from that day onward, I will be forever thankful to Chris...
Keeping up with our production is a tall order this year! We had a great event yesterday with the wonderful Somerville Local First and sold out of many of our boxes. And at the same time, we need to ship our special orders from corporate clients, above is a picture from today's assembly.
Tomorrow, we are making over 1000 Salted Caramel domes in dark chocolate, and Wednesday the same numbers with Passion Fruit Vanilla. We are feeling a bit like a hamster on his little wheel, but it is fun!
Turkey time is upon us, and we have taken to the big bird chanllenge in a fun way. We have a Little Turkey (see him and his kin above) to adorn your Thanksgiving table: this little guy is done in dark milk chocolate and is full of soft caramel, with lace cookie bits and rice puffs for a lovely crunch. Weighing in at 50 grams, he is perfect as a snack a few hours after the big feast. Our larger bird (85 grams/3 ounces, same composition) is the centerpiece of our Thanksgiving Platter, itself a fantastic dessert. In addition to...
Our Halloween goodies at the South End Open Market. Halloween is the most fun of the chocolate holidays, at least for this chocolatier. I was gleeful to discover the mold for my latest obsession, the Scary Pumpkins, when I visited my mold supplier in Montreal this spring. I couldn't resist the toothy grin and the beady eye! We sold lots at our Halloween markets this past week-end. It turns out Salted Caramel can be made even yummier with the addition of a crunchy element, in this instance miniature rice puffs. Because they are big at 25 grams each, I didn't...
Fall is the perfect time to reconnect with our market customers. We will be at three different Boston-area markets this fall, see our schedule here. The picture above was taken at the fabulous South End Open Market, open every Sunday from 10 AM to 4 PM. Every season, we take the opportunity to bring different products to the markets. This fall, we are introducing our Baby Bars, our Baby Dragons and our Hazelnut Crème, all three got a great response this past week-end. To appreciate the full difference between our Hazelnut Crème and Nutella, we set up a taste test,...