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See you at the South End Farmers Market!

Starting this Sunday, and until the end of October, I will be spending the day  introducing Chocolats Passion to the visitors of the South End Farmers Market at SOWA.  My darling mother is visiting from France and will be the chief sample giver.  We will have little hearts in various flavors for you to try out.    We will have a different box on special every week, in addition to our Love Flowers, 9 Domes and 16 Bites gift boxes. So please stop by, we look forward to spoiling you!

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Ingredients 101: Organic Citrus, and candying magic!

Using great ingredients is at the core of making good chocolates.  While organic cream and organic butter are easy to find locally, it took me a while to find organic Rio Star pink Grapefruits (Fruit Share in FL, see link below). But my longest search was for a supplier of organic Meyer Lemons.  I now get them, 10 lbs at a time, from Fairview Orchards in Ojai, CA. Their lemons are exquisitely plump, with beautiful thin skins perfect for candying, and the juice is very sweet.  How to candy?  I do it the old fashioned French way, which takes at...

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Party Time!

I had to put together three party trays in the last few days.  There is nothing I love more, because each is different and reflects the desires of the party giver.  All three this time had a generous representation of Critters, an absolute necessity when kids will be guests!  All the Critters are milk chocolate filled with salted caramel, so will please everyone.  I don't compromise on my favored intense dark caramel flavor when making them, I have found kids have great palates and don't appreciate dumbed-down sweets.  Another chocolate making a big showing on the trays are my Tiny...

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The Chocolate Off-Season

Now that Mother's Day is over, we are officially in the chocolate off-season.  It is a good thing, because higher temperatures and humidity are the enemies of chocolate making.  New England chocolatiers are so fortunate that our winters, with cool and bone dry houses, are perfect for creating chocolates with a beautiful shine.  Chocolate High Season coincides perfectly with high production season! But it doesn't mean I will be just tending my little vegetable garden, drinking Kirs while lazing on the terrace, and doing nothing chocolate-wise.  Quite the contrary.  This is creative time, when I plan to come up with...

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Putting together the perfect Mother's Day gift...

Our four-layer Petite box has proven to be the most popular choice for a "serious" gift. At $46 plus $8 shipping, it won't break the bank, but conveys highly thoughtful and personalized gifting. We have four permutations of the box, each adapted to its occasion:  the Petite Passion, the Valentine Petite, the Spring Critters Petite and now the Mother's Day Petite.  The two Winter boxes are bronze with a red or silver ribbon, the two Spring ones pearl with a soft green ribbon.  We hear from our customers that they recycle the boxes, which are beautifully made inside and out....

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Back to the source... the Paris chocolate trail!

A visit to my home country always divides up into two distinct parts: the first days are spent in Toulouse to see family and to gather for a joyous “Fête de Famille”. We love being able to see everyone, and to partake in a wonderful 5-hour lunch with great local wines. We then head to Paris where we walk a lot (a necessity considering the food intake), go to museums, and discover new restaurants in our adoptive neighborhood of the Marais. But my personal goal is always to visit chocolatiers. It is so much fun to see what they created...

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