First, we were serenaded! Four very well dressed gentlemen came in to buy Valentine boxes, waiting for each other after their respective purchases. When all were done, they lined up and treated us to the most beautiful Valentine a capella performance. So lovely it gave us all goose bumps!
Next , one of our youngest customers, Wolfe, gave Catherine a hand-drawn Valentine, see above. Wolfe and his parents Jacob and Lauren are regulars at the shop and we've known them since we opened almost 18 months ago when Wolfe was a little babe. For Halloween they come into the shop in their family themed costumes - every year spectacular! Our first year they were the three Billy Goats and this year the sun (Jacob), moon (Lauren), and Wolfe a shooting star.
The little painted rock heart is an earlier present from Linda, another regular, who leaves those tiny pieces of art all over the playground at Reiche for kids to find. We are all so lucky to have such thoughtful and loving people in our midst!