As mentioned on our Summer Stock page, we are moving this summer! Our new home will be Portland, ME, well known as one of the greatest foodie cities in the whole of the United States.
This move will be momentous for Chocolats Passion, because we will take this opportunity to move to the Fork Food Lab, a large commercial kitchen incubator. The Lab is a superb facility that started a year ago to serve the needs of artisan food businesses.
The immediate benefit will be that we can start shipping across the country and position some of our products nationally. We will expand our distribution network to include retailers in Portland, so we may benefit from the large tourism activity.
In the meantime, our kitchen is packed up for the transition. We have very limited stock but are happy to share it until it goes.
We plan to attend our late Fall markets at Union Square, and of course all our regular December markets including the SoWa, South Boston and Salem holiday markets, the Somerville Local First and Somerville Winter Farmers' markets events as well.
So wish us luck in our transition and feel free to get in touch anytime. And accept our warm thanks for allowing us to grow, and have so much fun in your company!