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Closing on another COVID year...

                                                                                     Photo Credit Jonathan Nutt

Our team is exhausted from our intense holiday season, but we feel very lucky.  Our customers gifted us with a really good year, in spite of a devastating COVID season. But our luckiest break is that we.somehow managed to keep ourselves safe, at least so far. This is by no means a given considering how the latest variant has upended the lives of many around us, in spite of their best precautions. And as we know,  it is infinitely easier to keep a chocolate shop safe than a restaurant.  So as we enter the third year of this scourge,  bear with us as we restate how we can best keep each other protected.

Our shop protocol is the same as when we re-opened in June 2020:  masks on, one social bubble in at a time, and samples as a parting gift.   We felt much sympathy for our customers waiting in the long holiday lines, in the cold.   So on Christmas Eve, we served them tiny cups of French hot chocolate to warm them up!  But the protocol  is essential, and we are so thankful that with very rare exceptions, everyone who walks into the shop understands its necessity.  Portlanders are a kind and patient bunch, so please accept our warm thanks for your friendship and support in this strange year of 2021.
