The shop was closed, but after week three we resumed production to ensure customers' favorites would be in stock. We set up a special "Stay Home, Share the Love" page (all formats under $20) so anyone self- isolating could send a box to family or friends.
Now that we exit the stay-at-home phase and cautiously enter yet a new normal, we want to extend our warmest thanks to all of you who supported us. We emerge stronger from this crisis and feel so fortunate.
For that reason, and to recognize our customers' kindness, we decided to pay it forward by making a chocolate gift to the entire COVID unit at Maine Medical Center. The 100 team members each got a Love Flower and their 250 children each received a bird lollipop with two cute dinosaurs, see pictures above.
This was the perfect way to conclude these ten weeks, right before we re-open this coming Wednesday June 3. Our new hours will be Wednesday to Sunday starting at 1PM as usual, but we will close at 6PM.
We will create another post before reopening with our social distancing guidelines so everyone feels safe coming into the shop. Till then, Darcy, Sarah and I thank you from the bottom of our chocolate hearts!