I found creative ways to carry trays and mold chocolates with 10 degree function in my right arm (upper arm glued to the body, more trips between machines), and was able to get by, also much due to the help of Amalia, who many of you know as my indispensable and wonderful right hand.
Two weeks after Valentive's Day, with Easter a distant chocolate holiday, I underwent arthroscopic shoulder surgery for what my kind surgeon described as a "massive tear". I am now in a sling 24/7, and of course off making chocolates for several weeks.
I spent as much time as possible preparing for our Easter offerings before surgery, so hope we won't have a bunny shortage! I will not be able to participate in any markets around Easter, but orders will be taken online with no disruptions.
And I so look forward to my first Mother's Day markets at the wonderful Rose Kennedy Greenway May 6 and 7. While there won't be any high fives due to still limited motion, at least I will be back in the game!