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Inside story!

What do the chocolates’ insides look like? It’s a little tough to figure out mid-bite, so I thought it would be useful to provide this image of our two largest chocolates, the Giant Truffles (all 6 show on the left half of photo) and the Big Hearts (7 on the right side). As I mention on their pages, these chocolates are dessert-sized, the Giant Truffles weighing in at about 40 grams (1.4 oz) and the Big Hearts at 32 grams (1.1 oz).   They will provide a great finish to any dinner party, at no work (and much glory) for the hostess.

A dainty eater may find them too much, so the easy solution is to do what I did here, and take a thin sharp knife and split them into equal parts.  But should you be game, splitting and sharing two or more flavors will multiply the taste experiences, as well as allow your dinner party to indulge in an impromptu tasting!

Photo legend: Front row from left, Pistachio Raspberry Giant Truffle; Passion Fruit Vanilla G.T., Salted Caramel Heart, Passion Fruit Vanilla Heart. Middle row from left, Hazelnut Citrus G.T., Hazelnut Heart, Dulce de Café Heart, Pistachio Raspberry Heart. Last row from left: Ginger Giant Truffle, Cherry Almond G.T., Salted Caramel G.T., Ginger Caramel Heart, Cherry Almond Heart.
